How to check a Table is empty or not in MySql

December 7, 2009

Here, I summarize some of the fastest way to check a Table in MySQL is empty or not.

  1. By querying on Database [information_schema]
    This is the fastest and the most I recommended to be applied, because in the database [information_schema] stored name, number of recordings and others are always up-to-date each time the operation occurred on both the MySQL Database system, Table, Trigger, etc.

    » Syntax
    set @rows = (select TABLE_ROWS
    from information_schema.TABLES
    where TABLE_SCHEMA = ‘database_name’
    and TABLE_NAME = ‘table_name’

    select @rows;

    » Parameters
    ‘database_name’, please change in the quote with the name of the database from the Table which will be checked!
    ‘table_name’, please change in the quote with the name of Table which will be checked!
    ‘BASE TABLE’, as standard type of MySQL Database and Table.

    » Returns
    if @rows = 0 then table is empty.
    if @rows = null then database or table not found.
    if @rows > 0 then total existing row aka table is not empty.

  2. By counting records of a Table
    By counting the amount of data from a Table is about to be checked and for me, this is silly but effective way, but not recommended if adjusted to the title of this article.

    » Syntax
    set @rows = (select count(*) from ‘database_name’.’table_name’);

    select @rows;

    » Parameters
    ‘database_name’, please change in the quote with the name of the database from the Table which will be checked!
    ‘table_name’, please change in the quote with the name of Table which will be checked!

    » Returns
    if @rows = 0 then table is empty.
    if @rows > 0 then total existing row aka table is not empty.

One Response to “How to check a Table is empty or not in MySql”

  1. Paz Stabel Says:

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